CAPSTONE Mission: 06 July 2022 Update

CAPSTONE Mission: 06 July 2022 Update

Over the last 24 hours, the CAPSTONE mission team has worked together to narrow down the likely cause of the communications systems anomaly discussed yesterday. The integrated mission team took time and care to work the problem, gaining information from various data sources, working with ground-based hardware to evaluate behavior in a controlled environment, and working to resolve the problem systematically.  This work has included rapid engineering support and resources from many different mission partners. We are extremely grateful for this team effort and want to express our appreciation to all of those involved. (more…)

CAPSTONE Mission: 05 July 2022 Update

On July 4, 2022, CAPSTONE (Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment) separated successfully from the launch vehicle and is heading to the Moon on behalf on NASA. The Advanced Space Operations Center and the Mission Operations Center at Terran Orbital are in full swing beginning mission operations with the DSN and mission partners. We are proud of the hard work the operations team has been doing. (more…)

Advanced Space Announces CAPSTONE Separation To Start Solo Journey Mission to Moon for NASA

Advanced Space Announces CAPSTONE Separation To Start Solo Journey Mission to Moon for NASA

First CubeSat, “Mini-Satellite” to Make Solo Flight the Moon Leaves Low-Earth Orbit and On To Test Unique Orbit; Transferring Mission from Launch Provider to Lunar Operations.

Westminster, CO (July 4, 2022) Advanced Space LLC., a leading commercial space tech company pioneering the pathfinder mission, spacecraft separated from Rocket Lab’s Photon upper stage today after its launch on June 28. The Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment (CAPSTONE) spacecraft has orbited Earth while raising its position to be thrusted beyond low-Earth orbit on a trajectory to the Moon. (more…)

CAPSTONE Is On Its Way to the Moon; Leading the Way for NASA’s Artemis Missions

CAPSTONE Is On Its Way to the Moon; Leading the Way for NASA’s Artemis Missions

Breakthrough Technology “Lighthouse” Allows Spacecraft to Communicate and Find Lunar Location in Ways Never Done Before in Space Exploration; Marks first Commercial & Privately Owned Spacecraft to Moon

Westminster, CO (June 28, 2022) Advanced Space LLC., a leading space tech solutions company with breakthrough navigational technology, today announced that its CAPSTONE  spacecraft has been launched toward the Moon by Rocket Lab USA Inc. for NASA on June 28, 2022.  The CAPSTONE mission will gather operational data ahead of the Artemis program that will land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon.  This milestone supports the first launch for NASA’s Artemis program and the first commercial and privately owned satellite to operate at the Moon. (more…)

Main Engine Cutoff podcast hosts episode with Advanced Space about CAPSTONE™

Main Engine Cutoff podcast hosts episode with Advanced Space about CAPSTONE™

Brad Cheetham, our co-founder, CEO, and President of Advanced Space joins Anthony Colangelo of Main Engine Cutoff to talk about our upcoming CAPSTONE mission. They talk about how the mission came to be, what it’s been like working with NASA and the other partners on the mission, and then dive into the nerdy details of the trajectory it’s flying to the moon, the orbits it will operate in, how its autonomous positioning system works, and how it might be used in the future.