Advanced Space, U.S. Air Force Sign Cooperative Agreement to Collaborate on Cislunar Activities

Westminster, CO (January 2022) Advanced Space LLC., a leading space solutions company, has entered into a Cooperative Research And Development Agreement (CRADA) with the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Space Vehicles Directorate, and the Spacecraft Technology Division to share data collected from cislunar space through the CAPSTONE mission.


Sci-Tech Forum 2022

Sci-Tech Forum 2022

A few of our team members are attending the Sci-Tech Forum this week both physically and virtually. We invite you to listen to their work being presented, which demonstrates great collaboration and support from the NASA Gateway Program. Enter into discussion and learn ways we may support your needs. We look forward to connecting with you.

Paper presented by our Astrodynamics and Navigation Engineer, Connor Ott
 Session: SFM-04, Orbit Determination and Space Surveillance Tracking
 Session Room Name: Coronado B
 Presentation Title: Range Biases, Measurement Noise, and Perilune Accuracy in Near Rectilinear Halo Orbit Navigation
 Tuesday, January 4, 14:00 – 15:40 PST (In-Person)

Paper presented by our Astrodynamics Engineer and Mission Design Lead, Ethan Kayser
 Session: SFM-06, Trajectory Design and Optimization I
 Paper Title: Navigation and Mission Design for Low-Thrust Insertion into Near Rectilinear Halo Orbits
 Tuesday, January 4, 16:00 – 17:15 PST (Virtually)

Paper presented by our Astrodynamics and Navigation Engineer, Michael Thompson
 Session: SFM-17, Trajectory Design and Optimization VII
 Session Room Name: Cortez Hill C
 Presentation Title: An Analysis of Downstream Uncertainty in NHRO Stationkeeping Strategies
 Thursday, January 6, 14:00 – 15:40 PST (In-Person)

Inflection Space Strategies Aids Advanced Space With Enhanced National Security Solutions

Westminster, CO (December 13, 2021) Advanced Space LLC., a leading space solutions company, Delivering Innovation to Orbit™, is excited to announce their partnership with Michael Dickey of Inflection Space Strategies. Inflection Space Strategies focuses on national security and U.S. space competitiveness in the 21st century. Michael Dickey, President of Inflection Strategies, has twice been in public service, including a uniformed career Air Force officer and civilian senior executive during the stand-up of the United States Space Force. Mr. Dickey will work with Advanced Space to architect solutions to better meet the needs of national security customers.


“Cislunar Space” – Air Force Magazine

“Cislunar Space” – Air Force Magazine

The gap between Earth orbit and the moon is open, uncharted, and undefended.

Not much human activity has touched the moon or its surroundings in the half-century since American Apollo astronauts traversed the lunar landscape, but new concerns about China’s interests and motives have leaders in Washington viewing with worry the vast void of cislunar space.

China’s rapid evolution as a global space player and its announced intention to join with Russia in building a joint science base on the moon, raise concerns about what that kind of activity could yield in terms of future capacity to act and potentially wage war in space.

NASA plans to return American astronauts to the moon for longer periods to a base of its own, as the U.S. gears up its competitive drive in space. And governments and private entities the world over are eyeing the moon as a potential source of mineral wealth or as a place to position communication or space transportation hubs.

Cislunar space—that vast void between terrestrial orbits and the moon—represents both an opportunity and a threat because it is not only empty, for the most part, but essentially indefensible. At least for now.

Cislunar Orbit Determination and Tracking via Simulated Space-Based Measurements

Cislunar Orbit Determination and Tracking via Simulated Space-Based Measurements

Michael R. Thompson, Nathan P. Ré, Cameron Meek, Bradley Cheetham


Building on previous work in cislunar orbit determination at Advanced Space, this paper demonstrates cislunar orbit determination via simulated optical measurements from another spacecraft in cislunar space. The goal of this work is to evaluate the potential performance (in terms of the uncertainties in the state of a target object) of space-based optical tracking filters in the vicinity of the Moon.

Presented at the Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies (AMOS) 2021 Conference